Nightlight Christian Adoptions

Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program

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In 1997 Nightlight Christian Adoptions pioneered embryo adoption to assist families with remaining embryos in frozen storage in selecting an adopting family to attempt pregnancy with them.

They named their new program "Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program," likening each embryo to a unique, frozen snowflake. Snowflakes Embryo Adoption has since become the largest embryo adoption agency in the world.

Embryo adoption follows adoption best practices, transferring remaining embryos from donors to recipients -- the adopting families -- who then undergo frozen embryo transfers (FETs) with the family receiving their embryos and give birth to their adopted child.

To ensure the well-being of all parties involved, an adoption home study is required. This process educates the adopting family and provides peace of mind to the embryo donors, knowing that the family receiving their embryos has been thoroughly vetted by the agency.

Embryo adoption programs differ from embryo donation programs run out of fertility clinics. While the latter primarily focus on medical treatment, adoption agencies consider social and emotional aspects for all involved in the adoption process.

Encouraging open relationships is a key aspect of embryo adoption, allowing children born from this process to maintain connections with both their biological background and their adoptive family's experiences. In contrast, embryo donation programs often priortize anonymity, providing little to no information to either the donor nor receipient and encouraging privacy rather than secrecy.


  • Snowflakes was established by Nightlight Christian Adoptions in 1997.
  • Over 2,000 have donated their remaining embryos through Snowflakes -- sometimes referred to as leftover embryos or unused embryos -- allowing them to choose the adoptive family of their embryos.
  • More than 120 babies are expected to be born through the program in 2024, making a total number of over 1,300 Snowflakes Babies born!
  • Embryo adoption is a low-cost adoption option, allowing you to experience pregnancy and give birth to your adopted child.
  • Snowflakes has no waiting lists for adoptive families to be matched with embryos.
  • Hoping to rescue an embryo from frozen storage? You may be interested in our Open Hearts Program.
  • In order to support Snowflakes OPEN HEARTS PROGRAM all patients matching through this unique program can have their embryo transfers in Knoxville for only $2,835 ... a significant savings off of our normal FET fees.
  • Here are 50 more benefits you recieve when you choose Snowflakes Embryo Adoption.

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